Philosophical Approach

Total Run Time 03:11:07 – using the Tao Te Ching to give a powerful presence and spiritual message Ale tells her story.

Eye Candy for Instagram TRT 25:21

For First Publication Rights and Sponsorship Details

alejandra.i.brito • Email
(424) 348-9294 • Mobile
@alekzandrius  • Instagram

Alejandra is racing in the international Standup Paddleboard Competition circuit.

She had Neil create a promo packet that demonstrates her passion and skill.

Production time = 24hrs


Working with Neil was a blur!

I thought nothing was happening, and then he show’s me the images on his camera or computer and there is the magic!!!

I have been training for world championships as the Women’s division National Champion since 2017, the title hasn’t come just yet but even harder than winning races are lining up financial deals from manufactures and industry players.  Neil bumped into me working at the local paddling shop between eating and training and struck up a conversation in the most unassuming way as I found out he was a world class photographer.  He convinced me to have him do some promo videos and you can see the results here.

I have seen very few industry promo videos that feel the essence of the ocean, and promote messages other than ‘cool’ and ‘buy this’.  Some of us are out there for the aesthetics of paddling, and it’s our transcendent time, meditation time.  Neil got that and made these very special pieces.  If you’d like your brand to have such inspiring visuals, get him on your project.

Alejandra Brito

Professional Paddler, 404 Basecamp &

basic contact

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